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Personal job coaching and youth coaching in Uusimaa.

Looking for a job, study, or work trial placement?

In Suuntimo’s adult job coaching as well as in youth coaching, you get help with job search and career planning. During personal coaching, our professional career coaches will help you update your job search skills and support in finding a meaningful career or job.

The coaching service is implemented in cooperation withTyöelämän Infopiste and Kalliola Setlementti ry.

What does the job coaching include?

The goal of the coaching is to find a meaningful work or study placement for you. You will receive two hours of personal coaching per month, and after the starting month, your coaching will continue for five months. If you wish, we will stay in touch and continue the coaching meetings, even if you find employment or start studying during the coaching period.

At the beginning of the coaching, you and your career coach will agree on goals, direction, and schedule for your personal job coaching. The content of the coaching is carried out according to your wishes and may include, for example:

  • Creating CVs and job applications
  • Searching for education, work, work trial, or apprenticeship placements
  • Starting a company
  • Career choice and career planning

In addition, you can also obtain a competence certificate (hygiene passport, alcohol passport, or occupational safety card) through us, free of charge.

Youth coaching

In youth coaching, participants have the opportunity to receive career guidance also from a student advisor or a vocational guidance psychologist.

Who is it for?

Suuntimo’s coaching is aimed at residents of Eastern Uusimaa young people (under 30 years old) and adults (30 years or older) customers of TE office.

Residents of Askola, Kerava, Lapinjärvi, Loviisa, Myrskylä, Porvoo, Pukkila, Sipoo, and Vantaa are eligible for the coaching service.

Suuntimo’s coaching is free for the participants.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for Suuntimo’s coaching by contacting the Uusimaa TE Office or your municipality’s pilot program. Alternatively, you can also contact viaE-services and express your interest in participating in the coaching.

After you have agreed with your liability specialist about participating in the coaching, Suuntimo’s experts will contact you to start the coaching.

Learn more on Suuntimo’s own web pages.

Ask for more information

Otso Kratz

Otso Kratz

+358 44 241 0689

Minna Korhonen

Minna Korhonen

+358 44 989 4788

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