Corporate financing

Apply for public funding with us or get subsidised consulting.

Apply for funding with us

Do you need financial support to develop your business? You can apply for public funding in the form of various business grants and subsidies with the help of our experts. You can get support for various projects or initiatives, such as developing an internationalisation strategy, launching a new product, or refining your strategy.

We help your company apply for funding for growth projects (Business Finland’s Tempo, and Talent, ELY’s development grant) or you can obtain business support in the form of consulting (Business Market Explorer). We also operate as a service provider, which means you can get financial support for Y4 Works’ consulting.

Which form of public funding would suit your company best? It can be confusing to choose the suitable grants and subsidies, so our experts are happy to help you choose the right funding instrument. We also help with defining the subsidised project and applying for funding. Read more below or contact us directly. We also help with defining the subsidised project and applying for funding. Read more below or contact us directly.

Y4 Kasvukumppani yrityksille

Apply for corporate financing

Apply to secure funding for the development of your business. We help with applying for public business grants, which are particularly suitable for internationalising or significant growth-seeking companies. You can receive support for, say, market research or for developing business expertise.

We carry out the entire application process with you. You pay a initation fee and a separate success fee if your application is approved and funding is granted.

Business Finland: Tempo funding

Who is it for?
Under 5 year old start up companies who want to grow their capabilities to accelerate internationalisation. Suitable for companies with at least a prototype-stage product or service and some market knowledge.

What kind of support?
Up to 60,000 euros in support for the selected development project. Own financing share of 25 %. Total budget for the supported project not exceeding 80,000 euros.

What is supported?
Funding can support themes such as:

  • Developing an internationalisation strategy
  • Market research
  • Testing demand for product and service concepts
  • Clarifying growth funding
  • PRH clarification
  • Conducting patent research
Apply with Y4 Works
We help your company throughout the application process. You pay a small initation fee and a separate success fee if your application is accepted and funding is granted.

Business Finland: Into funding

Who is it for?
For start-ups and SMEs that aim for international growth. Suitable for companies that are developing new business models or solutions for themselves, want to use new ideas and market information for business development, or want to increase the innovation skills of the personnel and systematize the innovation process.

What kind of support?
The share of own financing is up to 50 % of the total budget. The minimum budget of the supported project is 30,000 euros so 15,000 euros for support. The maximum has not been defined, but for purchases of expert services, funding can be a maximum of 200,000 euros.

What is supported?
Funding can support themes such as:

  • Making an innovation strategy
  • Development of new business, product and service concepts
  • Innovation competence training for personnel
  • Market research related to innovation activities
  • Developing an IPR strategy
  • Conducting patent research
Apply with Y4 Works
We help your company throughout the application process. You pay a small initation fee and a separate success fee if your application is accepted and funding is granted.

Business Finland: Talent funding

Who is it for?
Internationalising mid-cap companies and SMEs who want to develop work, organisational and management practices, as well as the ability to increase the number of international experts in the company. Suitable for companies at different stages of internationalisation. Funded projects must promote the company’s international growth.

What kind of support?
Funding is up to 50,000 euros and covers 50% of the project size. The project costs are a maximum of 100,000 euros.

What is supported?

Funding can support themes such as:

  • Developing the management of international expertise
  • A company culture that supports international recruitment
  • International recruitment capabilities and processes
  • International employer image and communication
Apply with Y4 Works
We help your company throughout the application process. You pay a small initation fee and a separate success fee if your application is accepted and funding is granted.

ELY: Company Development Grant

Who is it for?
SMEs with a desire for significant business development and readiness to seize new business opportunities. Companies with competitiveness and resources for improvement measures.

What kind of support?
Support for a project focused on development measures and investments that ELY supports up to 50 %. Maximum project size is 300,000 euros.

What is supported?
Funding can support the following themes:

  • Internationalisation of the company
  • Development of business expertise
  • Development of new products, production and service processes
  • Preparation and preliminary studies for internationalisation projects or large-scale development projects
  • Intangible and tangible investments
Apply with Y4 Works
We help your company throughout the application process. You pay a small initation fee and a separate success fee if your application is accepted and funding is granted.

Other corporate financing

We also assist in filling other EU-level, as well as ELY and Business Finland funding applications. Examples of funding instruments include EIC Accelerator Open, Business Finland’s R&D, as well as Business Finland’s Young Innovative Companies (NIY). Contact us to discuss further.

Get subsidised

Acquire new knowledge and expertise for your company.

We help with obtaining public corporate support, with which you can finance consulting services for your business development. You can acquire consulting directly from Y4 Works and develop, for example, innovation activities, marketing, or competitor analysis with us.

We'll help you choose the most suitable support instrument for your situation and carry out the application process with you.

Y4 Kasvukumppani yrityksille

ELY: Corporate Development Services

Who is it for?
SMEs with potential for business development and growth. We will tailor the service package according to your needs.

What kind of support?
Support for the selected development service, worth 1,300€ / day. ELY’s support for Consulting Services is 975€ / day (75%), with the company’s deductible being 325€ + VAT / day (25%). The support for Analysis Service is 1,040€ (80%) and the company’s deductible is 260€ + VAT / day.

What is supported?
Y4 Works is a service provider for ELY’s development services. You can receive support with development services for the following business areas:

  1. Growth, internationalisation, and analysis
  2. Productivity and digitalisation
  3. Marketing and customer relationships
  4. Management and personnel
  5. Commercialisation of innovations
Analysis is an excellent way to start in Development Services. With it, you get a comprehensive picture of your company’s situation and a concrete development plan for the future.

Learn more about ELY’s development services here.

Business Finland: Innovation Voucher

Who is it for?
Small, under 5 year old companies with a new product or service idea with international growth potential, in the development of which the company needs development assistance.

What kind of support?
The purpose of the Innovation Voucher is to find external support for companies in the development of innovations, i.e., new product or service ideas. Therefore, the support is not suitable for the development of existing products. Maximum value is 6,000 euros (VAT 0%), deductible 25 % so max 1,500 euros.

What is supported?
With the Innovation Voucher, services with the following themes can be financed:

  • Services related to the development of product and service strategy
  • Experiments, as well as agile product and service development
  • Measurement and testing services related to innovation activities
  • Feasibility studies and expert opinions related to innovation activities
  • Services related to the evaluation and utilisation of research results

Business Finland: Market Explorer

Who is it for?
SMEs and mid-cap companies in any industry (excluding primary agricultural production, fishing, and aquaculture) looking for new markets abroad by purchasing expert services.

What kind of support?
Support intended for purchasing expert services, covering 50 % of costs. In addition, other costs are accepted up to 20 % of the total amount of purchased services. The size of the projects ranges from 10,000 to 40,000 euros.

What is supported?
With Market Explorer funding, you can receive support for expert services such as:

  • Internationalisation plan and strategy
  • Assessment of business opportunities, pre-conceptualisation
  • Test marketing
  • Market analysis, competitive situation assessment
  • Mapping of retailers and distribution partners
  • Clarification of legal and standard requirements and investigations related to international product protection for existing products

Leader Funding

Who is it for?
This funding is a financial support granted by local Leader groups to micro-enterprises within their Leader regions. It can be granted for part-time individuals planning projects in rural areas, or micro-enterprises planning their business activities.

What kind of support?

There are various support options for different business phases: those planning business activities, starting a business, or developing existing business operations. For example, development support for an established business is €3,000 (+ VAT) and the self-financing share varies by Leader center.

What is supported?

With funding, companies can access cost-effective assistance from Finland’s leading experts. The support can be used to start new business activities or develop existing ones, helping the company grow, renew, and internationalize. Funding can be applied, among other things, for activities in the start-up and development phases. Expert work can be utilized, for example, in development project consulting, innovation, or product development.

How does the public sector support the internationalization of Finnish companies?

Read the blog article about the role of public funding in the international growth of companies.


Time for growth?

The best ideas are born together. Discuss with our experts the challenges where we could help your company move forward.

In the meeting, we can:

  • Map out your company’s development challenges
  • Determine how you can finance your development projects subsidised
  • Offer your company options for business growth

Book yourself a 30-minute appointment free of charge.

Still unsure?

There are many funding options. Our experts are happy to discuss with you which support instrument would be best suited for your company. Contact us below or get in touch with our financing experts directly.

Contact us

Aleksi Nieminen

Financial Specialist
+358 41 317 5539

Contact us

Viljami Kivistö

Financial Specialist
+358 44 493 5435

Y4 Works Oy

Y4 is a growth partner for companies and job seekers. We provide the latest insights on business development, finding your own career, and entrepreneurship. From us, you will receive versatile consulting services, trainings, and coaching flexibly throughout Finland.

We work in the pain points of society as a public sector solution partner. For this reason, our services are also available subsidised.

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