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Jannika Lahti

Employment Coaching

Early-stage personalised employment coaching

Wondering how to get a job in Helsinki? Need help in starting a business? Or maybe you’d like to get a jump start on studying? We got your back! With Employment Coaching, Helsinki we offer you help with these questions, and many more, free-of-charge.

What does the employment coaching offer?

The coaching is tailored to each customer’s needs and can include following topics:

  • Early-stage employment counseling
  • Methods and tips for job-searching
  • Updating application documents
  • Identifying skills and strengths 
  • Further education and training options in the Helsinki capital region


During the coaching we dive into the characteristics of the Finnish labor market and local job search practices, such as the application process and practices in Finland, jobs in the hidden labour market, mandatory certificates (e.g. a  hygiene passport) and networking.

You can call the hotline in all related matters, and especially with quick, targeted questions. If you already know you have multiple questions to throw at us, you can book an appointment straight from the coaches’ calendar.

Who is the employment coaching for?

The service is offered to international newcomers wondering how to get a job in Helsinki.

The service is designed to fit the needs of but not limited to:

  • those interested in moving to the Helsinki capital region for work or due to family ties
  • internationals in the Helsinki capital region
  • international students


Employment Coaching is provided in English and Finnish.

How much will it cost?

Absolutely nothing. Calling the hotline costs only your normal call rate, and the coaching sessions are provided 100% by the city of Helsinki and Y4 Works.

Contact us

You can book a 30-minute personal session with our employment coach or, for quick questions, call our hotline.

Employment Coaching hotline

With quick, targeted questions you can call our hotline. You can also leave a voice message, e.g. a call-back request, outside these working hours. Regular call rates apply, no added charge.

Monday–Friday 9am–10am and 3pm–4pm

+358 41 314 5362

During the call, we might determine that booking a personal coaching session is better suited to your needs.

Booking a meeting

You can also directly book a live meeting held at Y4’s office in central Helsinki (Kaisaniemi), or an online meeting (Google Meet, accessible with all online devices). Book a meeting here

You can also email us (coaching@y4works.fi) and request a call-back or a coaching session. Our specialist will answer you within one working day. 

Y4 Works Oy

Y4 on yritysten ja työnhakijoiden kasvukumppani. Tarjoamme tuoreimmat näkemykset liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen, oman uran löytämiseen sekä yrittämiseen. Meiltä saat monipuoliset konsultointipalvelut, koulutukset ja valmennukset joustavasti ympäri Suomea.

Teemme töitä yhteiskunnan kipupisteissä julkisen sektorin ratkaisukumppanina. Tämän vuoksi saat meiltä palveluita myös tuettuna.

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